Woodbridge Elks Lodge LED Sign

GPIN: 8091-86-5636

Plan Number: SUP2021-00017

Type: Special Use – Special Use Permit


Woodbridge Elks Lodge LED Sign- A request for a sign modification to replace monument sign with LED Sign. The site is identified on County maps as GPIN 8091-86-5636 and is addressed as 14602 Minnieville Road, ±415 Miles Southwest of the intersection of Minnieville Road and Cardinal Drive. The site is zoned A-1, Agricultural; is designated SRL, Suburban Residential Low, in the Comprehensive Plan; and it is located in the Minnieville Road Highway Corridor Overlay District (HCOD). Coles Magisterial District.


Scott Meyer – [email protected]

Juana Lozano – [email protected]